9 Anti-Audition-Anxiety Mantras

Dustin Hoffman wasn't born auditioning

Neither were you. It's cliche but it's true. You really do have to start somewhere. Every actor working today had a first audition. And every actor working today has auditioned and not been cast. They've also blown it. They've been nervous and unsure. They've been great and they've been awful. You might be the next Hoffman! But no one will ever know if you don't start auditioning! Don't you think you owe it to yourself to find out? You owe it to the entire world!

The word "audition" is meaningless

Thousands of them take place each year. So stop giving the word audition undo importance. Break down what an audition actually is. In its simplest form: You go to a place. You do some acting and maybe you'll get to do a little more. It's easy. There is no need to make it larger than life.

It only lasts a few minutes

You're living your dream, baby! Treasure it! Remember when you were at home in the suburbs wishing your parents had moved to LA when you were a baby so that you could go to auditions? Well now is your chance. The thing is, it will be over so fast that you'll wonder if you've been abducted. So calm down and relish the moment. You've been dreaming of it.

Don't think about the job

There is something unique about you and an audition is just a chance to share it. Think of getting the job as just a by-product. One of most useful parts of an audition is just letting the casting director experience you , even if (in your mind) you blow it. Over time the casting directors will forget the specifics of your audition, but they'll feel familiarity with you in the future. It's a big plus.

The casting people don't know it's your first time out

Contrary to what you might believe, you are the only one that knows you've never auditioned before. You don't need to volunteer the info either. Just do your thing. The entertainment world is full of actors of all ages who landed parts with little or no experience. Stop thinking that everyone knows your secret.

There are no secret audition rituals

Don't feel like the rest of the acting world is privy to knowledge you don't have. You're on the same page as they are. You've seen enough movies to know what a basic audition looks like. And you deserve to be there just as much as they do. If the casting director wants to you do something, they'll probably ask you. The rest of the actors are just as (insert negative emotion here) as you are. Trust us.

The powers that be want you to be the one

The Casting Director's job is to cast the part. They desperately want you to be the one they cast. They are ON YOUR SIDE. From the moment you walk in they are praying you've come to blow them away. They've been waiting all day for YOU. Nothing would make them happier than to call it a day and give you the role. You're set up to succeed the moment you walk in. They already love you.

Auditions are opportunities to grow

Put "the part" aside. You're basically taking a master class during an audition. Some people pay $50 bucks an hour to for the chance to strut their stuff. So even if you don't get the job, you are growing as an artist. You've tried something new. You will have a a level of skill you didn't have before. It's a win-win situation.

There is no failure

Acting is an art. If you don't get the job it is not a failure. You aren't in control of who is chosen. You are only in control of yourself. But if you aren't cast don't assume you aren't good enough. Reasons for not getting cast number in the hundreds. Just showing up to any audition is a small triumph on its own.

The world will not end if you aren't cast

Worse case scenario: You didn't get the part. They laughed you out of the room and everyone concluded that you're a horrible actor. They blacklisted you so you'll never work again. Then the world imploded. Here's a newsflash: That's insane. Only on American Idol do they laugh (and that's for ratings). The other actors only care about themselves and there will be other roles. And do you really think they'll use energy to call all the other casting directors to tell them not to hire you?

For the real insider secrets to getting through the audition and coming out on top check out http://www.ultimateauditiontips.com

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