My Parents Don't Want Me To Act...

I had a very interesting email this week and I think it’s worth sharing:

On 21/01/07, Farrah wrote:
“Hi! Ok I have a problem..see…my parents, well, they don’t want me to be a singer or an actress, but it’s what I want to do! I’m too chicken to talk to them about it though. What should I do? How can I do what I want to do without my parents knowing?”

My Reply

: ) You can’t! Unfortunately for all of us - while we are minors we have to inform our parents what we are up to. Theater involves a lot of time and dedication and it is impossible to take part in theatrical productions unless you have the blessing of your family. The secret is to win them over to the idea.

The first thing to do is to show them that you are working hard in all areas of your life - school etc. Get their permission to get involved in local community or school theater projects as a volunteer on an amateur basis. Prove to them that you have the dedictaion, committment and talent to do well in the field and then slowly they will comearound to the idea.

I was in the same situation - my parents wanted me to study science at University (as that was where the money was for careers) but I wanted to go to drama school. By relentlessly pursuing my studies through school successfully and at the same time spending all my free time working with theatre companies I built up my experience and knowledge.When it came time to finally apply for colleges I had a real heart-to-heart with my family and made them understand how important theater was in my life. We agreed to compromise. I went to university and studied Music and Drama with Education so, for their peace of mind, I would have a “Real Job” to fall back on if theater didn’t work out.

It was a great decision. Theater is a really difficult job to earn a living as and it is SO important to have other avenues to pursue for paying the bills. Over the last 20 years I have spent a lot of time working in the entertainment industry but have also had to rely on my other skills and my teaching degree has been a blessing.

Remember - parents only want what is best for you. They don’t want to think about you starving and homeless. Prove to them you understand the risks and the challenges and that you have thought through your plans to be an actress. But at the same time make a back up plan for how you will feed yourself when no acting work is coming in. 98% of actors make less than $1000 a YEAR!!

I wish you the best of luck.


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